You can run both classic B2C as well as B2B shops and, of course, also a combination of the two with Chameleon. Divide your customers into groups of gross price-based B2C and net price-based B2B groups and let Chameleon simply do the rest!
Meet the challenge of providing a multilingual shop with Chameleon! The system's sophisticated multilingual concept and numerous other functions give optimum support when your business goes international.
More often than not it is the possibility to pay in your own currency that creates the necessary confidence for online purchase decisions. No problem with Chameleon and its interfaces to various international payment providers!
To prevent the purchase of certain products in certain countries, it is possible to define a country-specific blacklist for articles. A blacklisted item won't be displayed to users from the respective country. An easy way to meet legal or marketing requirements of many suppliers!
If you wish to implement individual pricing for different countries, this extension of the module "multicurrency" is what you need. It enables you to to define individual prices per article and currency. Moreover it provides alternative prices based on the users current shipping or billing address.
Your product range includes different VAT rates? Chameleon offers an overall concept which meets individual requirements. Tax rates can be defined for each item and item category as well as for each country.
The European regulations of tax calculation have been implemented in every detail in Chameleon. This sounds obvious, but as a matter of fact a lot of things need to be considered, e.g. the accurate calculation of shipping costs, discount and vouchers.
Please note that not all of the above features are part of the Chameleon standard version. Please get in touch with us to talk about possible licence fees or integration costs for a particular module. We are happy to advise you!
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